Mobile tele-reading solutions with Radio Data Source on Android

Innovation for radio and tele-reading solutions.

NOGEMA Ingénierie now offers the first mobile tele-reading solutions thanks to an Android device.
Through the Smartphone combined with a Bluetooth radio reading interface, the Android App will capture all of the radio telegrams, in real time, of all the meters on the way. This type of reading does not need any route preparation, and can be run in background.
The application decode the telgrams in real time and on the demand of the user, it can give an alert regarding to the decoded alarms.
The operator will be so able to get an alarm each time a received telegram will indicate a leak or a tamper for instance. He will be able to intervene immediately, being already on-site.
This type of reading is extremely fast, within a few minutes the smartphone will already be able to catch, decode and store more than 1000 telegrams.
The application is available on the Playstore.

Compatible with Android smartphone and tablet

Radio Data Scan

Compatible with a large range of terminals (tablet and smartphone), regarding to your constraints and your specifications. Radio reading WMBus, Diehl Metering (Sappel), Zenner, Kamstrup, Madalena, Coronis (Waveflow)...


Ideal solution for supervising a radio meter park out of the official reading period.